When our computers start getting sluggish, we usually blame spyware and malware and other malicious programs that have infiltrated our PCs and corrupted them. But malware isn't always the culprit; sometimes, computer and browser slowness are the result of disk fragmentation, corrupt system files, lack of RAM, dirty hardware, or too many programs running at once.
The older your system gets, the more 'stuff' gets put on it - the natural result being sluggish performance. Windows Vista is especially bad for this because it's such a memory-intensive operating system. There are a few things you can do to speed up your PC's performance:
1. Clean the inside of the computer
Dust impedes airflow and prevents proper cooling. This can lead to overheating and fan destruction which can result in unexpected shutdowns, bluescreening, booting problems, etc. Even if you use a laptop computer, you still need to clean it as well.
2. Remove unnecessary programs
The add/remove programs feature in the control panel is your friend. Use it to get rid of any software you don't use any longer. You may even find things on there you didn't know you had, since many features come bundled with other software and are installed automatically.
3. Transfer off old files
Store your music, data, and pictures to a CD or external hard drive. Then run Disk Cleanup to scan for files your PC no longer needs. The less clutter it has, the better it will run.
Also, run CCleaner as an alternative to Disk Cleanup if you want. It will get rid of unnecessary files very quickly.
You may also have system registry errors. In this case, you need to take time to specially clean and edit the registry to get your PC back up to speed.
How Much RAM Do I Need?
15 years ago